Jerry Edmonds is a Christian, husband, pastor, teacher, and friend. Born and raised in central NC, being married to Ellen since 1981, working in sales for more than 25 years, and serving in church leadership for more than 30 years, shaped his life to enable him to be used of God as he is today. Having vast experience in church ministry, he now finds himself walking down a determined and defined path.
Upon receiving his call to ministry in February 2006, Jerry sought ways to serve God by serving people. This has taken shape in different ways over time, including stints as an interim pastor at a church in NC from 2009-2010, and Clearwater, Florida from 2013-2015. Through serving these churches, he discovered a passion for and ability in coaching churches, pastors, and staff as related to church and ministry revitalization. This continues to play out as Jerry serves as lead pastor of Ozona Community Church.
Jerry has many interests, indicated by the plethora of incomplete projects and underutilized devices in his possession-although he ain’t bad on the golf course, and can tear up a multi-course dinner!
As Jerry follows his passion for helping people, he is ever mindful of the last words of Christ as recorded in Matthew 28:19 “Go and make disciples of all nations.” This reflects what Jerry considers to be his purpose in life: to serve Christ by coaching, helping, and discipling people.