If you’ve been with me for the last few posts, you can detect a theme emerging. If need be, go back a few posts and read up to the present. (You can read them here, here, and here.)
Do you see the theme? What is it?
Life, worthwhile.
Many today think that what they are doing is living a worthwhile life. That may be true; it may not. I suspect your answer depends on how you would define “worthwhile.”
To me, a worthwhile life, seen through my writing as of now, is a life that makes the greatest impact possible. Not for self, but for the world. Every world.
We all have different worlds that we live in. Family, social, work, educational, faith, community, recreational-each world changes when we enter into and engage it.
Each world is made better or worse when we walk in.
Each world takes on a different trajectory because we are there.
A worthwhile life desires to make a good, lasting, and beneficial change in each world that it touches. In order for that to perpetuate, we must be purposely leading the next generation to this understanding. The next generation needs to know that it has a place and purpose in these worlds. The great thing is, all indications are that the younger generation, the one known as Millennial, already has this mindset and motivation.
So how do we ensure that this continues, that the Millennials are invited in to find their place in these worlds?
This article is a great place to start. Read it – I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.
Let’s meet again soon in this space, and begin the conversation on how to go into and lead others into…
Life, worthwhile.
I like it when individuals get together and share thoughts.
Great blog, keep it up!